Source code for eval_classifier

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# LightTwinSVM Program - Simple and Fast
# Version: 0.6.0 - 2019-03-31
# Developer: Mir, A. (
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0

In this module, classes and methods are defined for evluating the performance
of the TwinSVM model. Also, a method for saving detailed classification result.

from ltsvm.twinsvm import TSVM, MCTSVM, OVO_TSVM
from ltsvm.misc import progress_bar_gs, time_fmt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold, ParameterGrid
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, recall_score, precision_score, f1_score
#from itertools import product
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
# import time

[docs]def eval_metrics(y_true, y_pred): """ It computes common evaluation metrics such as Accuracy, Recall, Precision, F1-measure, and elements of the confusion matrix. Parameters ---------- y_true : array-like Target values of samples. y_pred : array-like Predicted class lables. Returns ------- tp : int True positive. tn : int True negative. fp : int False positive. fn : int False negative. accuracy : float Overall accuracy of the model. recall_p : float Recall of positive class. precision_p : float Precision of positive class. f1_p : float F1-measure of positive class. recall_n : float Recall of negative class. precision_n : float Precision of negative class. f1_n : float F1-measure of negative class. """ # Elements of confusion matrix tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i in range(y_true.shape[0]): # True positive if y_true[i] == 1 and y_pred[i] == 1: tp = tp + 1 # True negative elif y_true[i] == -1 and y_pred[i] == -1: tn = tn + 1 # False positive elif y_true[i] == -1 and y_pred[i] == 1: fp = fp + 1 # False negative elif y_true[i] == 1 and y_pred[i] == -1: fn = fn + 1 # Compute total positives and negatives positives = tp + fp negatives = tn + fn # Initialize accuracy = 0 # Positive class recall_p = 0 precision_p = 0 f1_p = 0 # Negative class recall_n = 0 precision_n = 0 f1_n = 0 try: accuracy = (tp + tn) / (positives + negatives) # Positive class recall_p = tp / (tp + fn) precision_p = tp / (tp + fp) f1_p = (2 * recall_p * precision_p) / (precision_p + recall_p) # Negative class recall_n = tn / (tn + fp) precision_n = tn / (tn + fn) f1_n = (2 * recall_n * precision_n) / (precision_n + recall_n) except ZeroDivisionError: pass # Continue if division by zero occured return tp, tn, fp, fn, accuracy * 100 , recall_p * 100, precision_p * 100, f1_p * 100, \ recall_n * 100, precision_n * 100, f1_n * 100
[docs]class Validator: """ It evaluates the TwinSVM model based on the specified evaluation method. Parameters ---------- X_train : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training feature vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Target values or class labels. validator_type : tuple A two-element tuple which contains type of evaluation method and its parameter. Example: ('CV', 5) -> 5-fold cross-validation, ('t_t_split', 30) -> 30% of samples for test set. obj_tsvm : object A TwinSVM model. It can be an instace of :class:`TSVM <twinsvm.TSVM>`, :class:`MCTSVM <twinsvm.MCTSVM>`, or :class:`OVO_TSVM <twinsvm.OVO_TSVM>`. """ def __init__(self, X_train, y_train, validator_type, obj_tsvm): self.train_data = X_train self.labels_data = y_train self.validator = validator_type self.obj_TSVM = obj_tsvm
[docs] def cv_validator(self, dict_param): """ It evaluates the TwinSVM model using the cross-validation method. Parameters ---------- dict_param : dict Values of hyper-parameters for the TwinSVM model. Returns ------- float Mean accuracy of the model. float Standard deviation of accuracy. dict Evaluation metrics such as Recall, Percision and F1-measure for both classes as well as elements of the confusion matrix. """ # Set parameters of TSVM classifer self.obj_TSVM.set_params(**dict_param) # K-Fold Cross validation, divide data into K subsets k_fold = KFold(self.validator[1]) # Store result after each run mean_accuracy = [] # Postive class mean_recall_p, mean_precision_p, mean_f1_p = [], [], [] # Negative class mean_recall_n, mean_precision_n, mean_f1_n = [], [], [] # Count elements of confusion matrix tp, tn, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0, 0 # Train and test TSVM classifier K times for train_index, test_index in k_fold.split(self.train_data): # Extract data based on index created by k_fold X_train = np.take(self.train_data, train_index, axis=0) X_test = np.take(self.train_data, test_index, axis=0) y_train = np.take(self.labels_data, train_index, axis=0) y_test = np.take(self.labels_data, test_index, axis=0) # fit - create two non-parallel hyperplanes, y_train) # Predict output = self.obj_TSVM.predict(X_test) accuracy_test = eval_metrics(y_test, output) mean_accuracy.append(accuracy_test[4]) # Positive cass mean_recall_p.append(accuracy_test[5]) mean_precision_p.append(accuracy_test[6]) mean_f1_p.append(accuracy_test[7]) # Negative class mean_recall_n.append(accuracy_test[8]) mean_precision_n.append(accuracy_test[9]) mean_f1_n.append(accuracy_test[10]) # Count tp = tp + accuracy_test[0] tn = tn + accuracy_test[1] fp = fp + accuracy_test[2] fn = fn + accuracy_test[3] return np.mean(mean_accuracy), np.std(mean_accuracy), {**{'accuracy': np.mean(mean_accuracy), 'acc_std': np.std(mean_accuracy),'recall_p': np.mean(mean_recall_p), 'r_p_std': np.std(mean_recall_p), 'precision_p': np.mean(mean_precision_p), 'p_p_std': np.std(mean_precision_p), 'f1_p': np.mean(mean_f1_p), 'f1_p_std': np.std(mean_f1_p), 'recall_n': np.mean(mean_recall_n), 'r_n_std': np.std(mean_recall_n), 'precision_n': np.mean(mean_precision_n), 'p_n_std': np.std(mean_precision_n), 'f1_n': np.mean(mean_f1_n), 'f1_n_std': np.std(mean_f1_n), 'tp': tp, 'tn': tn, 'fp': fp, 'fn': fn}, **dict_param}
[docs] def split_tt_validator(self, dict_param): """ It evaluates the TwinSVM model using the train/test split method. Parameters ---------- dict_param : dict Values of hyper-parameters for the TwinSVM model. Returns ------- float Accuracy of the model. float Zero standard deviation. dict Evaluation metrics such as Recall, Percision and F1-measure for both classes as well as elements of the confusion matrix. """ # Set parameters of TSVM classifer self.obj_TSVM.set_params(**dict_param) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(self.train_data, \ self.labels_data, test_size=self.validator[1], \ random_state=42) # fit - create two non-parallel hyperplanes, y_train) output = self.obj_TSVM.predict(X_test) tp, tn, fp, fn, accuracy, recall_p, precision_p, f1_p, recall_n, precision_n, \ f1_n = eval_metrics(y_test, output) # m_a=0, m_r_p=1, m_p_p=2, m_f1_p=3, k=4, c1=5, c2=6, gamma=7, # m_r_n=8, m_p_n=9, m_f1_n=10, tp=11, tn=12, fp=13, fn=14, return accuracy, 0.0, {**{'accuracy': accuracy, 'recall_p': recall_p, 'precision_p': precision_p, 'f1_p': f1_p, 'recall_n': recall_n, 'precision_n': precision_n, 'f1_n': f1_n, 'tp': tp, 'tn': tn, 'fp': fp, 'fn': fn}, **dict_param}
[docs] def cv_validator_mc(self, dict_param): """ It evaluates the multi-class TwinSVM model using the cross-validation. Parameters ---------- dict_param : dict Values of hyper-parameters for the multiclss TwinSVM model. Returns ------- float Accuracy of the model. float Zero standard deviation. dict Evaluation metrics such as Recall, Percision and F1-measure. """ # Set parameters of multiclass TSVM classifer self.obj_TSVM.set_params(**dict_param) # K-Fold Cross validation, divide data into K subsets k_fold = KFold(self.validator[1]) # Store result after each run mean_accuracy = [] # Evaluation metrics mean_recall, mean_precision, mean_f1 = [], [], [] # Train and test multiclass TSVM classifier K times for train_index, test_index in k_fold.split(self.train_data): # Extract data based on index created by k_fold X_train = np.take(self.train_data, train_index, axis=0) X_test = np.take(self.train_data, test_index, axis=0) y_train = np.take(self.labels_data, train_index, axis=0) y_test = np.take(self.labels_data, test_index, axis=0) # fit - creates K-binary TSVM classifier, y_train) # Predict output = self.obj_TSVM.predict(X_test) mean_accuracy.append(accuracy_score(y_test, output) * 100) mean_recall.append(recall_score(y_test, output, average='micro') * 100) mean_precision.append(precision_score(y_test, output, average='micro') * 100) mean_f1.append(f1_score(y_test, output, average='micro') * 100) return np.mean(mean_accuracy), np.std(mean_accuracy), {**{'accuracy': np.mean(mean_accuracy), 'acc_std': np.std(mean_accuracy), 'micro_recall': np.mean(mean_recall), 'm_rec_std': np.std(mean_recall), 'micro_precision': np.mean(mean_precision), 'm_prec_std': np.std(mean_precision), 'mirco_f1': np.mean(mean_f1), 'm_f1_std': np.std(mean_f1)}, **dict_param}
[docs] def choose_validator(self): """ It selects the appropriate evaluation method based on the input paramters. Returns ------- object An evaluation method for assesing the model's performance. """ if isinstance(self.obj_TSVM, TSVM): # Binary TSVM if self.validator[0] == 'CV': return self.cv_validator elif self.validator[0] == 't_t_split': return self.split_tt_validator else: # Multi-class TSVM if self.validator[0] == 'CV': return self.cv_validator_mc
[docs]def search_space(kernel_type, class_type, c_l_bound, c_u_bound, rbf_lbound, \ rbf_ubound, step=1): """ It generates all combination of search elements based on the given range of hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- kernel_type : str, {'linear', 'RBF'} Type of the kernel function which is either 'linear' or 'RBF'. class_type : str, {'binary', 'ovo', 'ova'} Type of classification. c_l_bound : int Lower bound for C penalty parameter. c_u_bound : int Upper bound for C penalty parameter. rbf_lbound : int Lower bound for gamma parameter which is the hyperparameter of the RBF kernel function. rbf_ubound : int Upper bound for gamma parameter. step : int, optinal (default=1) Step size to increase power of 2. Returns ------- list Search elements. Examples -------- >>> from ltsvm import eval_classifier >>> eval_classifier.search_space('RBF', 'binary', -1, 1, -1, 1) [{'C1': 0.5, 'C2': 0.5, 'gamma': 0.5}... {'C1': 1.0, 'C2': 1.0, 'gamma': 0.5}... {'C1': 2.0, 'C2': 2.0, 'gamma': 2.0}] """ c_range = [2**i for i in np.arange(c_l_bound, c_u_bound+1, step, dtype=np.float)] gamma_range = [2**i for i in np.arange(rbf_lbound, rbf_ubound+1, step, dtype=np.float)] if kernel_type == 'RBF' else [1] if class_type == 'binary' or class_type == 'ovo': param_grid = ParameterGrid({'C1': c_range, 'C2': c_range, 'gamma': gamma_range}) elif class_type == 'ova': param_grid = ParameterGrid({'C': c_range, 'gamma': gamma_range}) return list(param_grid)
[docs]def save_result(file_name, validator_obj, gs_result, output_path): """ It saves the detailed classification results in a spreadsheet file (Excel). Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of the spreadsheet file. validator_obj : object The evaluation method that was used for the assesment of the TwinSVM classifier. gs_result : list Classification results of the TwinSVM classifier using different set of hyperparameters. output_path : str Path at which the spreadsheet file will be saved. Returns ------- str Path to the saved spreadsheet (Excel) file. """ column_names = {'binary': {'CV': ['accuracy', 'acc_std', 'recall_p', 'r_p_std', 'precision_p', 'p_p_std', \ 'f1_p', 'f1_p_std', 'recall_n', 'r_n_std', 'precision_n', 'p_n_std', 'f1_n',\ 'f1_n_std', 'tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn'], #'c1', 'c2','gamma'], 't_t_split': ['accuracy', 'recall_p', 'precision_p', 'f1_p', 'recall_n', 'precision_n', \ 'f1_n', 'tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn']}, #, 'c1', 'c2','gamma']}, 'multiclass':{'CV': ['accuracy', 'acc_std', 'micro_recall', 'm_rec_std', 'micro_precision', \ 'm_prec_std', 'mirco_f1', 'm_f1_std']}} #'C', 'gamma'] # (Name of validator, validator's attribute) - ('CV', 5-folds) validator_type, validator_attr = validator_obj.validator output_file = os.path.join(output_path, "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.xlsx") % (validator_obj.obj_TSVM.cls_name, validator_obj.obj_TSVM.kernel, "%d-F-CV" % validator_attr if validator_type == 'CV' else 'Tr%d-Te%d' % \ ((1.0 - validator_attr) * 100, validator_attr * 100), file_name,'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M')) excel_file = pd.ExcelWriter(output_file, engine='xlsxwriter') # columns=column_names['binary' if \isinstance(validator_obj.obj_TSVM, TSVM) else 'multiclass'][validator_type] result_frame = pd.DataFrame(gs_result, columns=column_names['binary' if isinstance(validator_obj.obj_TSVM, TSVM) else 'multiclass'][validator_type] + validator_obj.obj_TSVM.get_params_names()) result_frame.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False) return os.path.abspath(output_file)
[docs]def initializer(user_input_obj): """ It passes a user's input to the functions and classes for solving a classification task. The steps that this function performs can be summarized as follows: #. Specifies a TwinSVM classifier based on the user's input. #. Chooses an evaluation method for assessment of the classifier. #. Computes all the combination of search elements. #. Computes the evaluation metrics for all the search element using grid search. #. Saves the detailed classification results in a spreadsheet file (Excel). Parameters ---------- user_input_obj : object An instance of :class:`UserInput` class which holds the user input. """ if user_input_obj.class_type == 'binary': tsvm_obj = TSVM(user_input_obj.kernel_type, user_input_obj.rect_kernel) elif user_input_obj.class_type == 'ovo': tsvm_obj = OVO_TSVM(user_input_obj.kernel_type) elif user_input_obj.class_type == 'ova': tsvm_obj = MCTSVM(user_input_obj.kernel_type) validate = Validator(user_input_obj.X_train, user_input_obj.y_train, \ user_input_obj.test_method_tuple, tsvm_obj) search_elements = search_space(user_input_obj.kernel_type, user_input_obj.class_type, \ user_input_obj.lower_b_c, user_input_obj.upper_b_c, user_input_obj.lower_b_u, \ user_input_obj.upper_b_u) # Display headers print("%s-%s Dataset: %s Total Search Elements: %d" % (tsvm_obj.cls_name, user_input_obj.kernel_type, user_input_obj.filename, len(search_elements))) result = grid_search(search_elements, validate.choose_validator()) try: return save_result(user_input_obj.filename, validate, result, user_input_obj.result_path) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs('result') return save_result(user_input_obj.filename, validate, result, user_input_obj.result_path)